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AET Conference

Africa Energy Technology Conference is Africa’s premiere energy technology driven exhibition and networking conference


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>Press Pass Accreditation


Press passes for the Africa Energy Technology Conference (AETC) are reserved for qualified individuals actively contributing to media outlets and organizations covering the event. All press personnel must be pre-qualified and pre-registered. Media delegates arriving without prior registration will be assessed for admittance at the event. A press pass grants access, free of charge, to all conference sessions, exhibitions, keynotes, meals, special events, and press-only activities.


To obtain a press pass for the Africa Energy Technology Conference (AETC), press delegates must provide one of the following:

Trade and Business

Publications/Newspapers: A bylined article authored by the applicant and published within the six months leading up to the conference, or a letter from the editor on official media outlet stationery or sent from the editor’s verifiable email address, confirming the assignment to cover the AETC.


Writers/Reporters/Authors: An original letter of assignment or copy of contract from the publisher or news organization, or an electronic copy received directly via email from the editor’s verifiable email address. Alternatively, two samples of bylined articles published within the last year may be submitted.

Online Publications/Online News Services: A business card indicating the editorial title, accompanied by copies of two bylined articles printed from the website, or providing an internet address for verification of published articles.

Market Research Staff and Industry Analysts: A business card reflecting the editorial or analyst title, along with a copy of a white paper, briefing, or report published within the last year.


Admittance: The Africa Energy Technology Conference (AETC) reserves the right to deny or revoke a press pass for any reason, particularly in cases of insufficient credentials (such as failure to pre-register) or unprofessional conduct during the event. While adjustments to these requirements may occur at the discretion of the organizers, previously registered press delegates will be accommodated.

Cancellation: Press passes for the Africa Energy Technology Conference (AETC) encompass all conference privileges, including sessions, meals, and special events. Due to the associated costs, cancellations should be communicated at least five days in advance.

Media and Audio Release: Occasionally, photographs, video recordings, audio clips, and written feedback from conference participants may be used in promotional materials. Attendance at the Africa Energy Technology Conference (AETC) implies consent for the organizers to utilize your likeness in such materials.

Press Accreditation Application

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Join Us at the 1st Africa Energy Technology Conference on 12th - 14th of March, 2024