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In a landmark move towards gender inclusivity and empowerment, the Minerals Income Investment Fund (MIIF) has unveiled a groundbreaking GH₵20 million scholarship scheme specifically designed to support women in the mining sector. This initiative not only promises to uplift countless women but also marks a significant stride towards fostering a more diverse and innovative mining industry in Ghana. At the Africa Energy Technology Centre (AETC), we recognize and applaud this initiative, as it aligns seamlessly with AETC’s objective to diversify technical fields and ensure that more women can contribute to and benefit from advancements in the energy and resource sectors.

The mining sector, historically dominated by men, has long faced challenges in achieving gender parity. Women often encounter significant barriers, from limited access to education and training to systemic biases that impede their career progression. MIIF’s scholarship scheme is a decisive step towards dismantling these barriers, offering women the opportunity to gain the necessary skills and education to thrive in this critical industry.

During the launch event, MIIF’s CEO, Mr. Edward Nana Yaw Koranteng, underscored the paramount importance of human capital investment alongside financial investments in the mining sector. By supporting women in mining, MIIF addresses gender inequity while making a strategic investment in Ghana’s future economic development. Mr. Koranteng went on to stress the urgency of such investments and the profound social impact of educational support. This perspective is echoed by AETC, which recognizes that sustainable development in energy and resource sectors hinges on inclusive and equitable human capital development.

The launch event, attended by several dignitaries, highlighted the significance of this initiative. Among those present were the Deputy Minister for Education- Rev. John Ntim Fordjour; the Minister for Gender, Children, and Social Protection- Honourable Darkoa Newman, and the Deputy Minister for Finance- Dr. Alexander Ampaabeng. Their presence underscored the government’s support for initiatives that promote gender equality and human capital development in critical sectors such as mining.

The Africa Energy Technology Centre is committed to fostering sustainable development and technological innovation in the energy sector. We believe that empowering women is crucial to achieving these goals. Women’s unique perspectives and skills are invaluable assets that can drive creativity, efficiency, and sustainability in mining operations. AETC is eager to explore potential partnerships that can enhance the reach and impact of this initiative. By working together, we can create a more inclusive and dynamic mining sector that benefits everyone.

Ms. Emelia Akumah, the Founder and President of the Africa Energy Technology Centre, expressed her endorsement of the initiative stating “Empowering women in sectors traditionally dominated by men, such as mining, is crucial for achieving sustainable development. The MIIF scholarship initiative is a monumental step towards bridging the gender gap and fostering a more inclusive industry. At AETC, we are proud to support and collaborate on initiatives that align with our mission to promote diversity, innovation, and equitable growth within the energy and resource sectors.”

As we look to the future, AETC envisions a mining and resource management industry where women are equally represented and have access to the same opportunities as their male counterparts. MIIF’s scholarship scheme is a vital step towards realizing this vision. By investing in the education and professional development of women, we are laying the foundation for a more innovative, sustainable, and equitable industry.

We celebrate this move and stand ready to support and amplify its impact. Together, we can create a future where women in mining are not only empowered but also lead the way in driving sustainable growth and technological advancements in the industry.

In a landmark move towards gender inclusivity and empowerment, the Minerals Income Investment Fund (MIIF) has unveiled a groundbreaking GH₵20 million scholarship scheme specifically designed to support women in the mining sector. This initiative not only promises to uplift countless women but also marks a significant stride towards fostering a more diverse and innovative mining industry in Ghana. At the Africa Energy Technology Centre (AETC), we recognize and applaud this initiative, as it aligns seamlessly with AETC’s objective to diversify

In a gesture of appreciation and recognition, the Africa Energy Technology Centre (AETC) recently paid a courtesy call to the Ministry of Energy Ghana on the 26th of March 2024 to present citations to the Minister and Deputy Ministers for their invaluable support during the Africa Energy Technology Conference that was held from the 12th to the 14th of March 2024 at the Labadi Beach Hotel in Accra. The Africa Energy Technology Conference, organized by AETC in collaboration with the Ministry

On June 3, 2024, the Africa Energy Bank was officially launched, marking a critical moment for the continent’s oil and gas industry. This new financial institution, established with an initial capital of $5 billion, aims to bridge the financing gap for energy projects across Africa, addressing a critical need in the sector. The creation of the Africa Energy Bank is a joint effort by the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) and the African Petroleum Producers’ Organization (APPO). The bank’s primary objective is

In the annals of history, there are tales of remarkable women who defied the odds, shattered stereotypes, and blazed trails in fields traditionally dominated by men. From Marie Curie’s groundbreaking work in physics to Rosa Parks’ courageous stand for civil rights, these women have left an indelible mark on the world, inspiring generations to come. Today in the bustling energy sector, a name that is emerging and challenging the status quo is Emelia Akumah. Emelia Akumah, the Founder and President of the Africa

The Africa Energy Technology Conference held in Ghana at the Labadi Beach Hotel stands as a testament to the continent’s commitment to shaping a sustainable energy future. With a focus on technological innovation, policy integration, and collaboration, the conference brought together key stakeholders, industry leaders, and policymakers to chart a course towards a more inclusive and equitable energy ecosystem. As we reflect on the success of this year’s event, we also look ahead to the future of the Africa Energy Technology Centre

The Africa Energy Technology Centre (AETC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, Ghana, is poised to host the Africa Energy Technology Conference from March 12th to 14th, 2024, at the Labadi Beach Hotel, Accra. Ghana’s Minister for Energy in the person of Honorable Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, will grace the occasion as one of the headline speakers as part of pushing Ghana’s agenda towards creating a sustainable energy future for Africa. His expertise, vision, and dedication to advancing sustainable energy

The Africa Energy Technology Centre (AETC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, Ghana, is poised to host the Africa Energy Technology Conference from March 12th to 14th, 2024, at the Labadi Beach Hotel, Accra. The conference, which is being hosted by the Africa Energy Technology Centre (AETC) in partnership with the Ministry of Energy, Ghana will feature a slew of energy experts, policymakers and key stakeholders within the energy sector. Among the many distinguished speakers that will grace the occasion, the

The Africa Energy Technology Centre (AETC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, Ghana, is poised to host the Africa Energy Technology Conference from March 12th to 14th, 2024, at the Labadi Beach Hotel, Accra. Ghana’s President, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, will be a crucial figurehead at the conference, marking his presence as a key speaker and driving force behind Ghana’s endeavours towards fostering a sustainable energy landscape for not only the nation but the entire continent of Africa. His

The Africa Energy Technology Centre (AETC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, Ghana, is poised to host the Africa Energy Technology Conference from March 12th to 15th, 2024, at the Accra International Conference Centre. Ghana’s President, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, will be a crucial figurehead at the conference, marking his presence as a key speaker and driving force behind Ghana’s endeavours towards fostering a sustainable energy landscape for not only the nation but the entire continent of Africa.  His

Join Us at the 1st Africa Energy Technology Conference on 12th - 14th of March, 2024